Borough Authority (water/sewer treatment)

John E. Chase, Chairman   12/31/2026
Donald Evans, Vice-Chairman  12/31/2023
William Mankin II., Member  12/31/2024
Craig E. Ausel, Member    12/31/2022
Brian Braightmeyer, Member   12/31/2025

The Quarryville Borough Authority owns and operates the Quarryville Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) and Sewer Collection System. The Authority has entered into an “Agreement” with the Borough, whereby the Borough provides operational services for the collection system and treatment plant and also bills customers for sewer charges.

The Authority collects and treats sanitary sewage from the Borough of Quarryville, and nearby portions of the neighboring communities which include Eden, East Drumore and Providence Townships.


In 1960, the Authority constructed the waste water treatment plant located north of Quarryville Borough, off Route 222 in Providence Township. The original flow capacity of the treatment plant was 200,000 gallons per day.

In 1986, as a result of growth and development, the total flow from the Borough started to exceed this amount; the Authority then upgraded both the hydraulic and organic capacity of the treatment plant to 400,000 gallons per day.
There have been several other modifications to the treatment facility in an effort to enhance operations. A de-watering facility was added in 1991, and two digester tanks were added in 1999.

In 2015 the Waste Water Treatment Plant was upgraded and expanded to increase its permitted capacity from 400,000 gallons per day to 600,000 gallons per day. This Project accommodates future growth and development, while also allowing the WWTP to comply with Pennsylvania’s Chesapeake Bay Tributary Strategy regarding nutrient reduction requirements.

The Authority’s office is located in the Municipal Building at 300 Saint Catherine Street Quarryville, PA.

If you have any questions, please contact Quarryville Borough Authority at 717-786-2404.